Become A Sponsor
Thanks for clicking to help support your favorite not-for-profit men’s a cappella chorus.
We use this page to showcase our sponsors without whom we would be unable to share our special choir music throughout Western Washington.
Your donation helps us retain our gifted director and coaches, cover the rental costs for our rehearsal space, pay royalties for the music we sing, support the work of the Barbershop Harmony Society (we are the Bellevue Chapter), and help defray the expenses for members in need of financial assistance for dues and competition fees.
We use this page to showcase our sponsors without whom we would be unable to share our special choir music throughout Western Washington.
Your donation helps us retain our gifted director and coaches, cover the rental costs for our rehearsal space, pay royalties for the music we sing, support the work of the Barbershop Harmony Society (we are the Bellevue Chapter), and help defray the expenses for members in need of financial assistance for dues and competition fees.