Our Appreciation To You
-Donor Benefits-

Though your contribution to Northwest Sound is tax-deductible, it is also an investment, both in our mission and the continuation of live music. By becoming a Sound Foundation Contributor, your gift will help us advance the arts and continue to bring world-class performances to our audiences. In addition to helping us continue our tradition of excellence, you’ll also receive benefits to enhance your musical experience. Donors receive unique benefits like exclusive backstage passes, as well as chorus goodies like signed posters:

Contributor ($25)
Name in Northwest Sound show programs.

Patron ($50)
The above plus a Certificate of Appreciation and a Patron of NW Sound lapel pin.

Bronze Foundation Patron ($100+)
All of the above plus a complimentary CD (upon release) and an autographed show poster.

Silver Foundation Patron ($500+)
All of the above plus a premium Singing Valentine in February and two complimentary reserved seats for the Spring or Holiday shows.

Gold Foundation Patron ($1000+)
All of the above plus a backstage pass before, during, or between performances, a framed picture of the chorus, two guest invitation to Northwest Sound’s annual awards banquet, and a total of four complimentary reserved seats for both the Spring and Holiday shows.

Platinum Foundation Patron ($5000+)
All of the above plus dinner with the Artistic Director, four guest invitation to Northwest Sound’s annual awards banquet, a total of eight complimentary reserved seats for both the Spring and Holiday shows, and a free chorus performance.